things I want my kids to know about high school
If you love someone let them know.
Always reach out. It may feel uncomfortable, but you never know when somebody needs you. If you see someone that is alone, or you think just needs a friend, be that friend.
Be genuine. If you care about someone, they should be able to tell through your actions & the way you treat them. Treat them like Jesus would. He cares about everybody individually and you should too. They are all different.
If you don't care for someone, use that for fuel to find a way to appreciate them. Everybody is special and even though you might not be best friends, you can still get along.
Take your time to actually internalize what your teachers are telling you. Being knowledgable and a well rounded human being is better than sluffing off your classes and just getting enough of a grade to graduate.
Don't let anybody define you. You define yourself and love what you have to offer. There is nobody like you.
Wear what makes you comfortable. Nobody cares how many Alex & Ani bracelets you have. You don't have to dress for other people. Wear the sweats. Love the sweats. If you want to look like you're on fire, you damn right will look like Alicia Keys got hold of a blowtorch and some gasoline.
You will be remembered for how you influenced people. Not by material things/ if you played varsity/ who you kissed/ popularity. Make it count.
Make friends with the administration. I have found some of my best friends to be on the staff at LP. I know they genuinely care & love you. Plus, if you need to makeup attendance school/need to have something done, they will definitely help a sister out.
Teachers are not out to get you.
Popularity is dumb. Really really dumb. & nobody cares.
Apply for scholarships. (please)
Participate in as much as you can. Experiencing high school is so important. Go to games, plays, activities, assemblies, concerts, etc etc etc. & make sure you actively participate. even if it doesn't seem like your cup of tea. You might just surprise yourself. you will come to have so much more love for the school & it makes it easier to see how talented the students are around you.
Look to serve. Everybody needs a helping hand & if you can make someone's load a little lighter for the day, you have done something great.